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Digital Marketing Course in Alwar

Start Your Digital Marketing Career

Live Project

We conduct sessions based on live projects which enhance employability opportunities for students while studying

Hybrid Classes

We offer both traditional face-to-face training along with web-based online learning to manage a cohesive experience for students

Personal Mentorship

We encourage students in learning and experiment, as well as assist them in achieving excellence in their careers

Join The Best Digital Marketing Course in Alwar

Digital marketing is the act of selling and promoting different products and services by creating an online presence. It is a process of leveraging different online channels to reach the target audience easily. Currently, most of the organizations involved in this process find people who are interested in their products and services. In order to create awareness of digital marketing, DigiLearnings has come up with its “Advanced Digital Marketing Training Course”. This is the best digital marketing course in Alwar that cover different modules such as SEO, SMO, SMM, email marketing, affiliate marketing, and so on. DigiLearnings as the best digital marketing institute in Alwar ensures quality training and learning.

Digital Marketing Course Modules

1. Marketing, Traditional vs Digital.

+ Introduction to Digital Marketing
+ Marketing, Traditional vs Digital
+ What is Digital Marketing and Why there is so Buzz?
+ Digital Marketing Platforms
+ Digital Marketing – Organic and Paid
+ Digital Marketing era and the way forward
+ Digital Marketing for Studetns, professionals & entrepreneur
+ Sales Psychology

2. Domain Selection

+ Concept of domain names and extensions
+ Choosing the right domain
+ Tricks to earn money from domain trading

3. Hosting Selection

+ Concept of Hosting and Server
+ Buy the right hosting as per the budget and working
+ World’s best hosting services

4. Website Planning and Design

+ Understanding and Requirement Websites
+ Types, Purpose and Function of Websites
+ Different types of platforms on which website designs
+ Basic requirements of any website and Ideas
+ Understand and Implementation SDLC
+ Check Feasibility of Idea and Website
+ Resources Required for Website
+ Website Setup (Purchase Domain and Hosting) and CMS Installation
+ Understand CMS and Setup
+ Plan CTAs / How to attract customers?
+ Creating and Optimising Wireframes of Website Pages
+ Develop the Content, Design and Link Web Pages
+ Understand Plugins or Extensions, Widgets, Pages, Post, and Category
+ How to take backup of your website and Shifting on another server?

5. Professional Blogging

+ Understand the basic of design
+ Understand font and colour
+ Free Tools for Designing
+ Paid Tools in Graphic designing
+ Different types of designing and Understand the Branding

7. SEO Introduction

+ What is SEO?
+ Introduction to SERP
+ What are search engines anf their Funcations?
+ What are keywords and classification?
+ Keywords Research Process
+ Understanding Keywords Mix
+ Google Operator: So that you can find anything on the web
+ Research of Competitor Analysis
+ Advance Search Tactics

8. On Page Optimization

+ What are primary keywords, secondary keywords, and tertiary keywords?
+ Keywords optimization
+ Content optimization & planning
+ Understanding your audience for content planning
+ What is the difference between keywords stuffing & keyword placement
+ Internal linking
+ Meta tags creation
+ Using Google webmasters tool & website verification
+ Sitemap creation & submission in website & webmasters
+ How to write an optimized content
+ How to write a content for article, blog and press release

10. Local SEO – Local Business Promotion/GMB

+ Classified submissions
+ Citation
+ Set-up Google My Business
+ Top tools for Search Engine Optimization
+ Understanding Link juice?
+ Importance of Domain and Page Authority
+ How to optimize exact keywords for your business

11. International SEO

+ Understand the psychology of user and business
+ Location oriented search
+ Crossborder optimization approach
+ Keyword Research for International SEO

12. Black Hat SEO

+ What is Black hat SEO and Importance of Black Hat SEO
+ Understanding the utilization of Black Hat SEO
+ Understanding of Software’s knowledge to do Black Hat SEO
+ IP Address Selection and Execution

13. SEO Strategy, Auditing & Reporting

+ SEO Strategy Building
+ Tools for Assessing SERP and Website Status
+ Reporting Template and Generating Current Status of the Website
+ Frequency of SEO Reporting

14. Content Marketing

+ Understanding Content Marketing?
+ 7 Step Strategy Building Process of Content marketing
+ Types of content with examples How to write great compelling content
+ Keyword research for content ideas
+ Authority Blogging and Monitization
+ How to market your content?
+ Understanding Second Customer and Online Influencers
+ Unique ways to write magnetic headlines
+ Case study on content marketing

15. Google Analytics

+ Understanding Google Analytics and Set up
+ Major dimensions: Realtime, Audience, Acquisition, Behavior,
& Conversion
+ Understanding of Goals and Funnel (Conversion Tracking)
+ Important Concept of Analytics – Bounce Rate and Exit Rate
+ Tracking specific links traffic through Link Tagging
+ Understanding Filters and Segments
+ Prepare customized reports & setup autogenerated weekly report
+ Dimensions and Metrics

16. Google Tag Manager

+ Setup Tag Manager for maintaning website performance
+ Using Google Analytics through Tag Manager
+ Understaging Tags, Trigger, Variables and Folders.
+ Understanding Tag Versions, Workspace and Admin View
+ How to give and take access of tag manager
+ Check executed tag on the website
+ Advantages of Tag Manager

17. Email Marketing

+ What is email marketing and how it work?
+ Essentials of Email Marketing
+ Types of email marketing
• Opt-in (Single Opt-in and Double Opt-in) and Bulk emailing
+ Setting up email marketing account and Audience/List
+ Email Template Design for existing audience
+ Tricks to land in inbox instead of spam folder
+ Improving ROI with A/B testing
+ Defining Segment, Tags and Reports
+ Tricks to increase Open and Click rate.
+ Create Email Marketing Strategy and Funnel

18. Email Automation

+ Understanding Autoresponders and Use
+ Design email template for upcoming audience – Autoresponders?
+ How to plan for autoresponders
+ Designing Email Series and User Engagement
+ Concept Development for Email Automation

19 . Lead Generation for Businesses

+ Lead Generation Concept and Process and their importance
+ Understanding Landing Pages and thank-you page
+ Essentials of landing page and thank-you page
+ Types of Landing Pages
+ What is A/B testing?
+ Converting Leads into sales – Lead Nurturing
+ Creating Lead funnel
+ Free tool setup for lead generation

20. Mobile Web Marketing

+ Fundamentals of Mobile Marketing
+ Mobile Marketing and Social Media
+ Mobile Marketing Measurement and Analytics
+ Understanding AMP – Accelerated Mobile Pages
+ Using tools to create Mobile App
+ Advertising on mobile (App & Web)
+ Content Marketing on mobile
+ Mobile marketing mix
+ Uploading mobile app in Android and iOS

21. App Store Optimization

+ Optimising Play Store or App Store Account
+ Images and Videos
+ How to Increase App Installation
+ Rating and Reviews
+ App Updates

22. SMS Marketing

+ Understanding SMS Marketing and Importance
+ Buying / Generating Mobile Database
+ How to buy best software for SMS Marketing
+ Do’s and Dont’s
+ SMS Marketing Strategy
+ Include SMS Marketing in lead generation Funnel

23. Facebook Marketing

+ Why to use social media for business
+ Understanding Facebook Algorithm – Edge Rank
+ Social Media Calander
+ Scheduling and Content Optimization
+ Facebook Event, Group
+ Facebook Ads and their Objectives
+ Facebook Ad Funnel
+ Conversion Tracking and Remarketing in Facebook
+ Tools used in Facebook
+ Facebook Ad Examples Library
+ Facebook Ad Specification Documentation

24. LinkedIn Marketing

+ LinkedIn Profile
+ LinkedIn Business Page and Showcase Pages
+ LinkedIn Group
+ LinkedIn Ads
+ Become an Influncer in LinkedIn
+ Free and Paid Services of Linkedin
+ How to start business from the LinkedIn

25 . Twitter Marketing

+ Creating Account & understnad terminologies
+ List, Moments and Twitter Cards
+ Increasing Followers
+ Twitter Ads and Analytics
+ Building Relationship with Media Agency and Celebrities
+ Why to use twitter

26. Instagram Marketing

+ Why use Instagram for business?
+ Instagram marketing, content strategy and content plan
+ Keys to a successful profile, Increasing Followers
+ Instagram Stories, Post, Shoutouts
+ How to find your best frequency and timing on Instagram
+ Instagram analytics

27. YouTube Marketing

+ YouTube Channel and Setup Brand Account
+ Types of Video (Sales, Informational and Educational)
+ YouTube Platform Navigtion
+ YouTube Creator Studio
+ Dashboard, Video Manager
+ Community, Channel, YouTube Analytics
+ Creation and Editing of Video
+ Planning for Live Video
+ YouTube Studio Essentials
+ Grow in YouTube Earnigns
+ Our Successful YouTube Case Study

28. Pinterest Marketing

+ Understand basics of Pinterest
+ Use pinterest for business growth
+ Best sites for creating infographcis
+ Content Idea for Infographcis
+ Pinterest optimization with chrome
+ Creative Cheat Sheet and Limitations of Pinterest
+ How to increase followers on pinterest
+ Tools to make pinterest tutorial videos
+ Pinterest Contest and interest analytics guide

29. Quora Marketing

+ Quora Account Setup
+ Find the right topics for business on Quora
+ Find competitors on quora
+ Find questions for generating sales for your business
+ Best practices for giving answers
+ Follwoing and Followers
+ Common mistakes on quora
+ Quora Advertising and Support
+ Understand Answer to Answer
+ What is Upvote and Downvote on Quora
+ how many questions you should answer
+ Quora Analytics

30. Ecommerce Optimization and Marketing

+ What is e-commerce?
+ Top e-commerce websites around the world & it’s scenario in India
+ Difference between E-Commerce software and Shopping Cart software
+ Payment Gateways, Merchant Accounts & Logistics for physical goods.
+ Convert simple wordpress website to eCommernce website
+ Selling through Facebook
+ Case studies on e-commerce websites.
+ How to do Google Product Listing Ads (PLA) for e-commerce websites.
+ How to do SEO for an e-commerce website
+ Open source platforms for ecommerce website/CMS
+ How to setup website and upload themes
+ Self – helf on ecommcerce platform.

31. Dropshipping

+ Concept of dropshipping
+ How to set-up and benifit
+ How to select platforms for dropshipping
+ Making money from dropshipping

32. Marketplaces for Product Selling

+ How to set-up online shop on Amazon
+ Essentials for Listing products
+ How to generate more orders/sales
+ Learning from Amazon
+ How to select product for selling
+ Imaging and Cataloging

33. Google Ads Introduction

+ Google Ads Overview
+ Understanding inorganic search results
+ Introduction to Google Ads & PPC advertising
+ Overview of Microsoft Adcenter (Bing)
+ Setting up Google Ads account
+ Understanding Ads account structure
+ Types of Ads (Search, Display, Shopping, Video, App and Smart Ads)
+ Understanding Google Ads Algorithm
+ Difference between Ad Rank and Ad Position
+ What is quality score and its important
+ What is CTR? and it’s important?
+ Understanding bids

34. Google Display Ads – GDN

+ Understanding Display Ads?
+ Difference between Search and Google Display Ads
+ Types of Targeting Audience
+ Niche Audience Targeting
+ Types of Display Ads (Image Ads, Responsive Ads, Gmail Ads)
+ Advanced Tracking of Display Ads
+ Understanding Bidding of Display Ads

35. Google Search Ads/PPC

+ Introduction of Search Ads
+ Creating Search Campaigns
+ Doing campaign level settings
+ Understanding location targeting
+ Advance Bidding Strategy
+ Understanding types of Bidding Strategy
+ Pros & Cons of different bid strategies
+ Types of Ad Extensions
+ Creating adgroups
+ Finding relevant adgroups options using tools
+ Creating adgroups using tool
+ Understanding keywords
+ Keyword Planner Tool
+ Types of Keyword (Broad, Phrase, Exact Match and Negative)
+ Ad Creation
+ Dynamic Ads
+ Call Only Ads
+ Tracking Performance/ Conversions
+ Importance of CTR
+ Checking conversion stats
+ Optimizing Search Campaigns
+ How to optimize campaigns at the time of creation?
+ Optimizing campaign via ad groups
+ Evaluating campaign stats
+ Optimizing with conversion report
+ Optimizing with keywords
+ How to decrease CPC
+ Analyzing your competitors performance
+ Competitors Spy Techniques

36. Google Search Ads/PPC

+ Introduction of Search Ads
+ Creating Search Campaigns
+ Doing campaign level settings
+ Understanding location targeting
+ Advance Bidding Strategy
+ Understanding types of Bidding Strategy
+ Pros & Cons of different bid strategies
+ Types of Ad Extensions
+ Creating adgroups
+ Finding relevant adgroups options using tools
+ Creating adgroups using tool
+ Understanding keywords
+ Keyword Planner Tool
+ Types of Keyword (Broad, Phrase, Exact Match and Negative)
+ Ad Creation
+ Dynamic Ads
+ Call Only Ads
+ Tracking Performance/ Conversions
+ Importance of CTR
+ Checking conversion stats
+ Optimizing Search Campaigns
+ How to optimize campaigns at the time of creation?
+ Optimizing campaign via ad groups
+ Evaluating campaign stats
+ Optimizing with conversion report
+ Optimizing with keywords
+ How to decrease CPC
+ Analyzing your competitors performance
+ Competitors Spy Techniques

37. Universal App Campaign

+ Requirement and Campaign Setup
+ Understnad the Bidding System for App Campaigns
+ Campaign Optimization
+ Creating Video for Application Promotion
+ Demographics for App Campaign
+ Targeting through Device
+ Bidding system in App Campaign

38. Remarketing Ads

+ Understanding Google Ads Remarketing and Setup
+ Setup Remarketing List
+ Use Remarketing Audience in Campaign
+ Custom Audience
+ Strategy building for Adwords Remarketing
+ Use Remarketing Tag in the website and using Tag manager
+ Remarketing for Website Traffic

39. Retargeting Audiences

+ Using different ads to target audience
+ Using Ad Funnel for targeting audience
+ Auto targeting via dynamic ads

40. Conversion Tracking

+ Conversion Tracking of Website, Phone Call and Mobile Apps
+ Understand the Category of Conversion
+ Conversion Value
+ Conversion Count
+ Conversion Window
+ Attribution Model
+ Setup Tag of Conversion Tracking
+ Event Tracking

41. Affiliate Marketing

+ Understanding Affiliate Marketing, and Terminologies
+ How to become a Super Affiliate?
+ Different ways to do affiliate marketing
+ Affiliate Marketing Hacks
+ Live examples of how people are making money as an affiliate
+ Getting you started as an Affiliate
+ Getting you approved as an affiliate from India’s top affiliate agencies
+ Some of the top affiliate network in the world
+ The Secrets of affiliate marketing
+ Bids of Affiliate Marketing

42. Google Adsense

+ Google Terms and Conditions
+ Ready your website for monitization and Adsense Approval Tricks
+ Setup Adsense Account (AdUnit, Page Level Ads and Reporting)
+ Setup Blog for make money online
+ Niche Blogging and Article Frequency
+ Do’s and Dont’s in Blogging and Adsense

43. Start as a Freelancer

+ Understanding Freelancing and their Platforms
+ Choosing Category of Projects or Work
+ Understanding Bids and Project Proposal
+ Sell yourself technique
+ Creating Positive Reviews
+ Creating Milestones and Timelines
+ Do’s and Dont’s in Freelancing

+ Digital Marketing Strategy for Job Seekers, Professionals and Businesses
+ Digital Marketing Strategy Cycle
+ Audit / Current Situation and Recommendations
+ Optimum and Effective Execution
+ Analyse and Report

44. Online Reputation Management

+ What is online reputation management?
+ Why online reputation management is need of hour
+ Understanding ORM scenario
+ How to deal with criticism online
+ Online reputation management Commandments
+ How to create positive brand image online
+ Understanding tools for monitoring online reputation
+ Step by step guide to overcoming negative online reputation
+ Best examples of online reputation management

45. Growth Hacking Fundamentals

+ Growth Hacking Basics
+ Roles and Responsibility of Growth Hacker
+ Audience Target
+ Growth Hacking Cycle
+ Growth Hacking Funnels
+ Tools for Growth Hacking
+ Growth Hacking for Start-up
+ UI and UX Optimization
+ Events use in Google Analytics
+ Events use in Facebook
+ Viral Marketing and Plan

46. Influencer / Attraction Marketing

+ What is Influencer Marketing
+ Key Components of Influencer Marketing
+ Influencer Marketing in Social Media
+ Influencer Marketing in Blogging & Vlogging.
+ Objective Finding
+ Platform selection for Influencer Marketing
+ Plan and schedule content
+ Ways to influnence audience
+ Become an Influencer
+ Hire and Pay Influencer
+ Result Tracking through Influence Marketing

47. Digital Marketing Arsenal

+ Sitemap Generator
+ Browser based Analytics Tools
+ SERP Rank Checking Tools
+ Pinging and Indexing Tools for Webpages.
+ Broken Link & Dead Link Checking Tool
+ Open Site Explorer
+ Domain Details Hacking
+ Ahref/SEMRush
+ Screaming Frog

48. Mock Interview and Live Project Internship

Digital Marketing Platforms And Tools

We will help you to get familiarised with 20+ industry leading tools used by Digital marketing experts and agencies across the country. These tools help you to gain analytical edge and automation power to define your brand journey

Certificates after Advance Digital Marketing Course in Alwar

DigiLearnings enlighten the glory of your excellence by providing two different certificates as Certificate of Course Completion to all the learners and students of DigiLearnings, and a Certificate of Excellence offered by industry giants such as Google, Hubspot, etc. to students who qualify with 80% marks in the final exam. Digital marketing certificates offered by DigiLearnings will allow you to get Job Oriented opportunities and industry excellence.

Best Digital Marketing Training Institute in Alwar

Alwar is the oldest and most beautiful city with a rich culture and heritage in Rajasthan. The city basically lies 276m above sea level and is also surrounded by Aravalli hills. Alwar is famous for its tourist attractions such as Bala Fort, Siliserh Lake, Alwar City Palace, Siliserh Lake Palace, Moos Maharani ki Chhatri, and so on. Industries in Alwar are well established and they are exporting a wide range of products to different countries. In the market of Alwar, digital marketing is on the boom. So, to address the learning need of individuals, DigiLearnings come-up with its advanced digital marketing course in Alwar. The objective of this program is to enhance the marketing skills of individuals by providing them with complete guidance and training. Experts in DigiLearnings are with 10+ years of work experience who are actively responding in the  training session as a guide and mentors. Our main branch is in Jaipur for digital marketing training.


This is a complete 3 Month Digital Marketing program.

Yes, we have both Online & Offline mode.

100 percent!!! We have numerous opportunities and opening with various MNC’s, Startups and other organizations.

We have Backup classes for students with genuine reason