How to Make Instagram a Place to Invite Direct Sales?


Social media has been a motivation for digital marketers for quite a considerably long time. Above all, the rise of purchasing through social media channels has been acting as a catalyst in the trend. Almost, every other article talks about enhancing your brand presence on social media channels.

Amidst all, Instagram has been proving itself to be a leading choice for marketers. Most of them talk about stuffing your posts with hashtags enhancing the follower list. But, what about enhancing the actual sales from this platform?

Instagram has maintained itself as a suave platform which seems like has taken an oath to show just fancy things to the users. Here, it becomes important for the marketers to draw the line between saying it promptly and saying it wrong.

Below we have summed up everything apart from hashtags guidelines to draw sales from Instagram

Account Type: You can’t be fancy and a seller at the same time. Setting up a business account on Instagram is important. Every post should be directed towards emitting something about your business and not about your personal life. You can always choose to post the best photos which are related to your particular industry type.

Put a Complete Venture Picture on Display: Most of the businesses just want to jump on posting the intriguing photos and videos. This may turn out to be a loophole in your procedure. Without completing your bio and profile, people won’t know about the suitability of your business. Putting a bio is an opportunity to talk about the values of your business. On top of this, after giving yourself a fancy description, you can mention your website URL. This makes utterly convenient for people to visit your Instagram page and then get directed to your website for purchase.

Less is more, so you can choose to talk less in bio and show more on your website.

Follow Uniformity in Name and Display Picture: Making an Instagram page which does not comply with your company name can be the stupidest thing ever. Also, use the same display picture for every platform, so that, your viewers don’t get misguided or stop searching out for confusion.

Work Culture Can is Brand CultureInstagram is turning out to be great for brands because it is not basically a platform to sell.  You have all the freedom in the world to use your creative thoughts to keep your customers engage. This is a fun way to maintain a connection with the clients. At least, viewers will not move out after getting tired of the sales pitch. Service industries can take this approach really seriously as they do not have products to showcase. In this scenario, the only thing to move ahead is to showcase your company’s personality and invite people to join you.

Don’t Shy Away from Offering Deals: For half of your potential audience, the sole reason to follow your page can be to stay updated with the offers and deals. Whenever, you feel overwhelmed, simply hang percent tags on the pictures. When you feel like giving away, why can’t it be for your own followers?

There is a number of free applications with which you can easily make your photographs full of promotional text.

Make them Track Your Events: Simply geotagging any related event will derive followers. However, geotagging your store’s location will help in deriving sales as well.

A Schedule to Swear By:  The idea revolves around appearing like a happy puppy in your followers’ feed at the right time. So, you simply need to follow a schedule which swears by your regular posting. JUst avoid the times, when people are likely to be the most sleepy or disinterested like in afternoon 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.

A Tool to Schedule Yourself: Here, we have a name to rely upon which is Hootsuite. At least, for remaining committed to the clock and routine, by using various features provided by this. There are many related benefits such as auto scheduling or keeping a check on the ROI.

Bring the Use of Subtle Ads: Simply put an engaging picture forward and viewers will appreciate your taste, without paying much attention to the tag called, “sponsored”. The ads look nothing much different from regular feed to add value to your post.

Learn How to Shop on Instagram: Sometimes, it’s all about making a subtle pitch. You just have to show the visitors what they can admire. This can be an assured way to gather a potential audience. Often, we see that there are pictures appearing while scrolling and asking you to click on it to view products. After clicking various products are shown, along with the names and prices.

This is a direct way sell while keeping the customers interested.

Build relationships with the Influencers: This is like an endorsement from the experts. Instagram ambassadors can be found and approached easily with the help of relevant tools. You can put forward your best approach to build relationships with them.

In a nutshell, everyone talks about the newer ways to market your business. Instagram is one of them. But, still, it is not working out in the ways you want it to; just shift the paradigm a bit.  Without making it a complication, you can make it a funs story of your brand.

Some simple regimes to follow and you are good to sell:

  • Explain yourself subtly in the bio.
  • Keep your professional account separate.
  • Make your audience feel valuable with offers.
  • Keep it simple by putting a graspable display picture and name.
  • Share your events with sharing your store location.
  • Be in Visibility with pre-scheduling the posts.

Before all, add your website URL in your bio and mention that in your product posts to invite direct engagement.

For more information about Social Media Marketing or Digital Marketing training just visit Digital Marketing Course in Jaipur.