Fulfil Your Dreams With Freelancing


Before starting this article, would like to ask some questions to you!

  • Do you want to earn money by just sitting at your own place, or roam around the world earning money ?
  • Do you wish to work remotely or without any limitations ?

If Yes , Freelancing is your thing !

Dig in the article below to know more about how you can freelance.

What is Freelancing?

Freelancing is basically working according to your timings, without any boss on your head. You earn from your talent and skill along with getting paid for your project based work.

Freelancing gives you freedom of time, workspace and routine. You’ll not have to bind yourself to a 9-5 job and get tied to a routine.
Therefore Freelance is the best way to earn for people who got dreams apart from just having a perfect 9-5 job.

The best part about Freelancing is that it has no barriers like Age, Gender, or qualification. All it takes to be a freelancer is talent or skill in a particular field and there you go.
You can earn a huge amount by just being in your own zone and working remotely without any direct supervisor on your head.


How to Become a Freelancer ?


For becoming a Freelancer firstly one must have a skill or talent.
Skill may include anything ranging from Content writing to Graphic designing or search engine optimization and even teaching. So any productive skill is needed for becoming a Freelancer.

Pro Tip : Digital Marketing course will help you learn many skills which can help you become a successful Freelancer, Check out the Modules here.

Creating Profiles

Create your Profile on different freelancing platforms or contact people who need freelancers.
The second and the most important step to be taken is to create an attractive freelancer profile on different platforms like Freelancer.comUpwork.com , Task Rabbit , Fiverr etc. These platforms will help you begin you freelance journey and let you connect with the employer.

Earn Some Credits

For being a successful freelancer, one has to earn some good reviews and credits to be a trustable and authentic profile.
So contact some local employers or friends to hire you as a freelancer through the portal and work, ask for good reviews and ratings in return.

Keep Working and Taking Projects.

You need to keep working, because a long break would affect your online reputation, and people might not want to believe or trust your work. So, always be connected with your skills.

Learn to pitch yourself

An important skill to possess is about how to pitch yourself in the market.
You need to know how to stand – up and keep your position constant within the competitors and project your skills wisely.

Focus on the Price and Niche Factor

Choosing your niche is very important, for example if you are good at Content Writing, choose this as your niche or maybe we can say the field you want to work in. And if your work is worth it then fight for the right price, do not go down just for the sake of working.

Working at lesser price eventually degrades your value in the online market.

Choose your Clients

You’ll first have to decide who you want to work with, or what will be your client base?
Depending on the same you can bid on the projects you want to work on , and you may even contact other businesses, employers or clients for whom you would like to work and earning.

Choosing a niche is must or else you won’t be able to master your skills.

Be updated.

One thing to take care while Freelancing is to be updated with the latest industry trends and what is the current update in your particular genre.

Some points to consider while Freelancing.

  • My services are useful for what type of clients?
  • Which Business can pay me the fee I demand or expect?
  • Demand for a cold mail, which suggest all the information about the core details of work and payment.
  • Sell only what your clients need, and justify the price.
  • Be Reasonable (Do not charge far too above or below the value)